Benjamin Pagel

Benjamin Pagel

Benjamin Pagel

Prinicipal & 3rd Grade

I grew up in Moline, IL where my parents taught in a Lutheran school for many years. I attended high school at Luther Preparatory School (LPS) in Wisconsin and went on to Martin Luther College (MLC) for my bachelor’s degree in Education. It was at MLC that I met my wife, Stephanie. My first assignment was to be a tutor at LPS, where I stayed for 3 years. Then we were assigned to Peridot in 2010. After being teacher and athletic director for 4 years, I became a principal and teacher. My wife and I are blessed with four children: Malachi, Johanna, Calvin and Silas.

Hobbies & Interests Include:
Spending time with family, sports, history

Favorite Bible Verse:
“For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” Jeremiah 29:11/*


